Exporting a CSV from Rails

February 6th, 2020

Every once in a while a client I'm working with needs some custom data from our Rails app. Usually it's granular they need it before the end of day to land a deal or impress somebody who I'll probably never meet. Long story short I find myself in rails console exporting a CSV. Here's what that looks like. It's normally much more intricate than this, but for example purposes this will suffice.

    require 'csv' # We need this since we're working with a CSV
    file = "#{Rails.root}/public/export.csv" # Now we'll define where the file will
be saved
    header = %w[brand number_of_products]
    brands = Brand.all.map { |brand| {name: brand.name, number_of_products: brand.products.count} }
        CSV.open(file, 'w', write_headers: true, headers: header) do |write|
        brands.each do |b|
        write << [b[:name], b[:number_of_products]]